Highest Unique Bid Auction Script is one of unique bids auction. Unlike Lowest Unique Bid, the winner is usually individual/bidder with highest unique bid when bid closes. Maximum bid value is generally kept at a lower value than actual value of the item.
UniqueScriptz, presents different kinds of Highest Unique Bid Auction Software for any types of business and can customize it further as per business need.
Highest Unique Bid Auction Script Features
and more...
All UniqueScriptz code is available in the market with 100% access to source code. Since it is built using the PHP platform, any PHP expert can customize the code according to their needs.
We provide completely customizable web script to meet the user’s need. Features can be enhanced depending upon the particular needs of the clients by making changes to the application which has supportive back-end and front-end features.
We provide free technical support to help your website go live. Our professionals will be always be available to answer your queries and guide you to run your site efficiently.
How Highest Unique Auction Website Works
We deliver different types of custom Highest Unique Bidding Auction software.
In auction script, the auction administrator (you) will post products for purchase. If it is B2B, then the seller will post the product or services.
- Once product is posted, users will log in in order to bid for the product or auction items.
- The user need to first purchase a bid credits in order to make a bid for small bid fee which can be set in admin backend.
- The buyer places a bid on a particular auction item to win and if there bid are lowest and unique they will win the product at the end of auction.
- Once selected as winner they will need to pay the bid amount to get the product.
- All invoice and other details are visible on user account and admin backend for transparency.
Highest Unique script is developed using object-oriented programming language (OOP), MVC, PHP 5, MySql, JavaScript, Flash, Ajax, and jQuery. We use a wide variety of tools and technologies in order to ensure that the software performs at it’s best, with minimal fuss and minimal glitches. Our script is successfully tested and run all our low bid auction software, ensuring high performance and easy installation. The sites we develop are also search engine friendly and can handle huge traffic at any given time. We use Bootstrap to make your website responsive, so that it can be viewed in all screens.
The Back End Design (Control Panel)
- Administrator Login Page – Admin (the owner) login into the dashboard through secure login password protected page.
- Administrator Dashboard – Admin controls everything related with the auction site – the content of the site, bid auction item information, users, reports, and so on. Further, when you use the admin panel, you’ll feel it comfortable because of its smooth and user-friendly interface. Administrator Dashboard – Once successfully logged in, the admin is taken inside the main control section of the whole Lowest Unique Bid Auction.
- Auction Item Category Management – Every items in the auction store fall under a more broad level of category. Category section lets you create that. You create a category and assign a single or multiple items (products) in that category. You can also hide/show certain categories you don’t want to display. Admin can also create not only single category, but unlimited number of sub categories for each broad level category. Administrator can also customize how the category displays in the front store.
- Auction Item Management – You can add a new item in your auction. Adding an item on the auction bid is easy. You just need to have the basic information of the product or you can add the product and come back later and edit the information at your comfort. You can also copy previous listed auction and schedule it for future time with just one click.
- Manage Auctions – Reports are important piece of information that gives you a sense of how things are running, where attention is required, and how to go about it. Auction Report or Bidding Report Section lets you do that.
- Auction Winners – Administrator can manage payment and shipping status information through auction winner section so that your members exactly know when they’ll get their product and who will deliver the product.
- Manage User– As the auction site grows and becomes popular as more user registers, managing users (members) of the site becomes crucial. Other times, the site own also have to be able to ban users from using the site of illegal activities. Member and user management section allows you to do that. From here, the site owner can view, add, edit, or delete – all registered users. Lastly you can also make a backup of all this user information in CSV file format, and save them for future use.
- Auction Emails Section – Manage all incoming and outgoing emails using this area. Dynamic email setting lets you to send emails directly by creating various types of emails – user registration, welcome, payment invoice notifications and others – to your users using your own dynamic text and images.
- Referral Email Section – Newsletter are important tool to let know of what’s happening in your auction lately, what you’re offering, and what new bid auction are available for them to bid with giving status update to user for their bidding. Email Section is created with that intention. From here, you can easily create newsletters and compose a newsletter using the fully developed editors.
- Content Management Section (CMS) – Content Management System (CMS) provides capabilities for multiple users with different permission levels to manage content, information about the product and the auction itself. Our CMS management allows you to create, edit, publish, and archive different web pages. Further, the admin of the site can create all these pages without the need to have the technical aspects. Generally, you’ll create these pages on your Lowest Unique Bid Auction: About us , Privacy policy , terms and conditions , FAQs , Help pages
- Config Website – Admin specifies required currency, email, social media, referral points setting, payment gateway and time zone with Google Analytics Code for the Lowest unique bid web site to reflect back their local settings. Its crucial information for members who reside in different parts of the world you can manage all this from config Website Section.
- Time zone setting – Assign the required time zone for your site.
- Gift Coupons: Gift coupons under manage user section will give option to enable discount while purchasing bidding credits for users. You can set the coupon validity and limit the user who can avail the same.
Front Section Feature of the Highest Unique Bid Auction Software
- Browse Section – User can browse different category section and select the item in which he want to place bid. Category and placing of item can be controlled from Back-end
- My Account Section – User can manage his password, check bidding credits, manage his preferences and can view his bidding patter on closed or current auction. He can also see his winning auction with invoice details and all.
- Watch List – Using this feature user can keep track of item he want to place bid on. User can see where that auction is leading and can decide to bid whenever he wants. With Watch list he can skip searching of a particular product and go directly to what he likes.
- Buy Credits – User can select the best plan to buy bidding credits and do payment using PayPal or any other payment gateway which can be implemented no request. Credits will get reflected on his account in real time.
- Email Notifications – User will get email notification on his bidding and get the status if its unique or Lowest unique bid. User will also get alert email if someone outbid his bid. Upon completion of the auction winner will get notification email with invoice while others will get there auction result status.
- Auction Timer – Auction comes with timer and will close once timer end and the maximum required bid to close and auction reach. Both of criteria should meet to close an auction else timer of auction will increase to predefined manner which can be set at the time of listing of each auction.
- Reopen Auction – Auction can reopen for a limited time period if there is no winner in only for members who have already placed bid on that auction.
All of the above functionality are usually found on common Lowest Unique Bid Auction Script. However, UniqueScriptz can come up with versatile, flexible, and customizable option that fits your requirements.
Contact us here for a customized, highly secure Highest Unique Bid Auction Software/Script.
Also visit our Lowest Bid Auction Script Features.